Lawn + Maintenance

Lawn Care and Maintenance

Our Yard Pros are trained and licensed to properly and professionally take care of your lawn the way you expect it to be.

Lawn Maintenance

a man on a riding mower cutting grass

First Thing’s First
We always begin our process by ensuring your lawn is clear and prepped for quality care. This includes removing any litter or outdoor equipment that may be in the way so that your entire yard can be appropriately cleaned and maintained.

If your yard has something larger, such as broken tree limbs or a significant amount of debris – our Yard Pros can take care of that too!

Edging and Mowing
Our lawn services include edging and mowing your yard. We send the 2YardPros who are trained in both services, with the best and most updated equipment to deliver the best experience possible for our customers and their lawns.


Here in Kentuckiana, we know there’s plenty of Sick Weed, Johnson Grass, Flower Weed, and plenty of other weeds invading your lawns. An important step in caring for your lawn is first taking away what causes its damage.

Weeds can steal the nutrients in the soil away from your lawn and garden, leaving your entire landscaping to look run down. By removing them first, you can allow your landscape to flourish.

Lawn Care

mulch being laid by hand

After getting rid of your weeds, having mulch installed can beautify your lawn and garden, and it also has the ability to suppress weeds. Mulch can improve how your garden grows and how quickly it grows because it adds a natural fertilizer to keep your landscaping looking pristine.

To ensure your outdoor space stays great all season long, we have fertilizer treatment programs that tailor to the needs of your lawn.

Our standard package includes five treatments, ranging from early spring to late fall. Our next level package contains seven treatments during the same range of time, and as needed for your space.

Each of our packages are performed by licensed Yard Pros who know exactly what they are doing and how to properly apply it to fit the needs of your lawn.

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